Human chain-rally in protest against the death of a college student in Noakhali road crash - nklnews

Human chain-rally in protest against the death of a college student in Noakhali road crash

Noakhali correspondent: On March 30, a rally was organized in Ekalashpur of Begamganj Upazila in Noakhali to protest against the death of a college student and a human chain in Noakhali district town Maizdir Town Hall. Thousands of students from different schools and colleges participated in this program organized by banners of general students.

The deceased Shahiduzzaman Shakib was the first year student of the Mathematical department of Noakhali Government College.

The program lasted one and a half hour on Wednesday. During this time, students urged the authorities to stop the running of non-fitness vehicles on Noakhali routes, prohibit drivers without license, stop Sugandha fast service on Maizdi-Feni road, stop parking and reckless driving.

At the end of the rally, the students gave a memo to the Deputy Commissioner's Office with a procession.

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