After the kidnapping of Sonaimuri in Noakhali, parents of two children have been accused of gang rape, cases were arrested, two arrested - nklnews

After the kidnapping of Sonaimuri in Noakhali, parents of two children have been accused of gang rape, cases were arrested, two arrested

Noakhali correspondent:There were allegations of gang rape in Sonaimuri of Noakhali after detaining the mother of two children overnight. On Wednesday, police recovered the body from a pond in Daulatpur village under Sonaimuri Bargaon union on Wednesday midnight and recovered the body and admitted him to hospital. The victim is a resident of East Nateswar village under Nateswar Union. Police arrested two people in this incident.

Police said the victim filed a case against the accused in Sonaimuri Police Station on charges of rape on Thursday, mentioning the names of the four as the plaintiff. The police arrested two accused named Aminul Islam and Nizamuddin on the incident. The operation continued to arrest other defendants.

The family members of the victim said that on the evening of last night, Niteswar came to his relative's home and asked not to return home. After the family members did not find him in different places, on Wednesday morning, a general diary in Sonaimuri police station. Later, police raided him from a pond in the village of Doulatpur and rescued him at midnight and took him to Sonaimuri Health Complex. He was admitted to Noakhali General Hospital on Thursday morning with primary treatment. At present, the torture is undergoing treatment at hospital without being unconscious. There are numerous injuries in his body. The family members complained that he was tortured inhumanly.

Noakhali general hospital authorities said that his body suffered various injuries. Torture woman is physically sick in hospital treatment due to rape Illustrations have been collected for testing.

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