22 people injured in a stray dog ​​bite in Noakhali - nklnews

22 people injured in a stray dog ​​bite in Noakhali

Noakhali correspondent: At least 22 people, including children, old people, college students and pedestrians, were injured in the headcircle of Noakhali Sadar Hospital. Three people were admitted to Noakhali General Hospital in critical condition. This incident occurs from Sunday evening till 8pm.

Eyewitnesses said a mad dog in the Maizdee New Bus Station was bitten by strangers. Nirmal Das (25), Zahid (18) and Nuruzzaman (14), college student Saifur Islam (18), Palash, 14, and Mannan (70), at least 22 people were injured in the murder of Nirmal Das (25) Maijdie Al Amin Madrasa.
Later the locals tried to kill the dog after a lot of effort.

Doctor Masudur Rahman of the emergency department of Noakhali General Hospital confirmed the incident. RMO Dr. Syed Mahi Uddin Azhim said that the antibiotic vaccine has been given to the patient so that the dog could be infected with rabies.

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