Schoolgirl in Noakhali's Subarnachare The case against the head teacher for sexual harassment - nklnews

Schoolgirl in Noakhali's Subarnachare The case against the head teacher for sexual harassment

Noakhali correspondent: A student (11) has been accused of sexual harassment against Abu Shahadat Hossain Swapan (50), head teacher of North Cherkalk Government Primary School of Noakhali Subarnachar Upazila. . Victim's father filed a case with the Charabbar Police Station on the incident.
According to the case details, the student falls in the fifth grade of North Charklark Government Primary School of Mohammadpur Union. School Principal Abu Shahadat Hossain lives in a room next to Swapan School. At different times she used to do her own work with schoolgirls cooking. On March 6, according to the teacher, the victim came to school at 8:35 pm. Later, when he tried to harass his victim, he went to the house from the teacher's hands. Going home, she told the family about sex.
Subarnachar Upazila Education Officer. Rezaul Karim said he heard of such allegations against the headmaster Shahdat Hossain Swapan. He has been given the responsibility of assistant education officer Abdur Rab to investigate the matter. But he did not confirm how long it was asked to submit the investigation report.
Asked about the head teacher's statement, he could not find the mobile phone.
Officer-in-Charge of Charbabar Police Station Shahed Uddin said that the victim's father filed a case against the chief teacher under the Women and Children Repression Prevention Act. Abu Shahadat Hossain Swapan is absconding since the incident. He also said, trying to arrest him is going on.

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