Noakhali companyganj five electric transformers steal - nklnews

Noakhali companyganj five electric transformers steal

Noakhali correspondent: Five electric transformers were stolen from Noakhali Companyganj upazila. The incident took place at Charhajari union under the upazila on Monday night.

This electric transformer was once again stolen in the seventh phase of this upazila. Transformer has been stolen, Ahazari has started in nearly 250 families of some villages.

Locals rescued Abdur Rahman Faruq, a transformer from the ward number 4 of the ward no 4 of the upazila and a transformer from the ward 8 of the upazila on Monday night.

It is known that Kurukhari UP's Ward No. 8 is located next to Malak Master's Transformer, from the area of ​​Sultan Lucky of Ward No. 1. Five from Charhajari union, 1 from Alam member's area, 1 from Azaru Government house, 1 Transformer stolen from house of Aziz Mia area.

Locals alleged that earlier, 12 electric power transformers were stolen from different parts of Muchapur union and a case was filed in the Companyganganj Regional Office of Noakhali Poly Biduti Association and a case was filed against unknown company of Companyganj Police Station. No accused has been arrested so far. As a result, the transformer is stolen again. The attention of the local administration has been sought to bring transparency to the law enforcement thief.

DGMMHM Ariful Haque of Companiganj office of Noakhali Rural Electrification Association, said the companyganj police OC Md. He also said that if he comes, he has sent the person to the spot, they will be given more details.

Officer-in-Charge of the police station said. Asaduzzaman said no charges were found in the incident so far.

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